Stop Sweating Hands Problems

25/04/2011 09:18

Sweating hands are a problem, you know this too well, it would help if you could find out the root cause. Sweating hands not only cause a physical reaction they also cause an emotional reaction. Sweating hands is also known as "Palmer Hyperhidrosis". To help and prevent sweaty hands, here are some guidelines.

Try carrying a handkerchief in your pocket to wipe sweat prior to shaking hands. While walking, if you keep your hands in the pocket in which the cloth is stored, no one would realise that the cloth helps you remove the sweat from your hand. How to stop sweating hands, you have to wash your hand with comparatively cold water, and the temperature is to be normal.

Stop Sweating and Start Living

Try not to wash your hands in hot water or water that is warm, this will only makew your hands sweat more. Baby powder has been show to help overcome and prevent sweaty hands. Also, foot powder in another option. To reduce the sweat fast, the foot powder should be placed in the palms of your hands. An expensive option is the use of Botox, it can take more than a year though.

The treatment is not organic, so don't use this option if you want a natural solution. Another alternative for sweaty hands is to have surgery to cure your sweaty palms. This surgical process is known as Endoscopic Thoracic Symphatectomy (ETS). To help with sweaty palms surgery can be another alternative.

Items of food containing caffeine are not good for your sweating hands, try to avoid them. The caffeine makes the body raise temperature, and it makes the sweat glands to sweat wildly.

What causes sweating?

What else could cause excessive sweating underarms - you may find out that it is Hyperhidrosis. To deal with this emerging situation, it is better to find out the causes. Sweating generally occurs when we stay in a hot or humid environment or involve with some efforts. However, some people are suffering from some severe sweating condition as they sweat profusely. You can sweat all over the body or in isolated areas like palms or underarms.

A large number of causes for sweating; the cause will need to be found out. The abnormal function of the nervous system causes focal hyperhidrosis. In the medical circles, hyperhidrosis is considered a serious condition where patients have excessive sweating all over the body.

Alternatively, disease and a medical ailment can be linked to excessive sweating. Sweating is perhaps also related to the thyroid glands, obesity, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, heart failure, menopause, pregnancy, some types of cancers, and alcoholism. Smoking and anxiety can be the other causes of excessive sweating. Heat tiredness, Rheumatic fever and heat stroke can also be the causes of sweating much.

For Head Sweating:
